Target 1: People are aware of the multiple values of migratory species and their habitats and migration systems, and the steps they can take to conserve them and ensure the sustainability of any use.


See separate Indicator Factsheets document.


►    The Memorandum of Understanding for the conservation of cetaceans and their habitats in the Pacific Islands Region: Whale and Dolphin Action Plan 2013-2017 includes:

Theme 1 - Information, Awareness/Education and Communication:


• Community and school education programmes implemented.

• Regionally relevant factsheets to inform governments and industries on key issues are produced fisheries interaction, cultural practices, regulation, biology, natural history, species ID etc).

• Training programmes carried out in country for key government agencies and identified local community stewards.

•Presentations on whales and dolphins carried out in schools, village halls and annual festivities.

•Whales and dolphins are profiled through documentaries, interviews and regular spots in local media.

Theme 6 - Cultural Significance and Value:


• TK and other customary practices and values documented and incorporated where relevant.

• Review on gaps carried out and report published and disseminated.

• Artifacts and narratives (oral histories) documented and conserved in local museums.


►    The Memorandum of Understanding concerning the conservation of the Manatee and small cetaceans of Western Africa and Macaronesia: Action Plan for the conservation of small cetaceans of Western Africa and Macaronesia includes:

Objective 7 - Education and Awareness:


• Community and school education programmes implemented.

• Regionally relevant fact sheets in commonly used languages to inform governments and industry on key issues are produced (e.g. fisheries interactions, cultural practices, regulations, biology and natural history). Made available online and as printed material.

• Training programmes carried out in-country for key government agencies and identified local community stewards.

• Awareness raising events organised, e.g. an annual international cetacean day.

►    The International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Argali includes:

Objective 1 - To stabilize argali numbers and range and reverse negative trends:


• Trophy hunting operations follow international good practice (IUCN 2012) Quotas are scientifically based and sustainable.

• Process for setting quotas, licences and allocating concessions is transparent.

• Community involvement in trophy hunting programmes.

Objective 3 - To fill knowledge and information gaps:


• Standard monitoring methods in use.

•Monitoring programs for all argali populations in place

• Needs and resource assessments undertaken

• Genetic analysis completed


►    The Action Plan for the conservation of southern South American migratory grassland bird species and their habitats, adopted within the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Southern South American Migratory Grassland Bird Species and their Habitats includes:

Objective 3 - To raise awareness on the importance of natural grasslands and endangered species:


• Logo defined and produced.

• Number of campaigns implemented.

• Number of social groups made aware.

• Number of lectures and materials distributed in rural exhibitions and other events.

• Outreach materials produced.

• Number of symposia conducted per country.