Target 10: All critical habitats and sites for migratory species are identified and included in area-based conservation measures so as to maintain their quality, integrity, resilience and functioning in accordance with the implementation of Aichi Target 11, supported where necessary by environmentally sensitive land-use planning and landscape management on a wider scale.


►    The  CMS COP Resolution 12.25 (Manila 2017) on Promoting Conservation of Critical Intertidal and Other Coastal Habitats for Migratory Speciesincludes: 

Coastal Forum

2. Requests the Secretariat to explore actively with other relevant multilateral environmental agreements1 , funding permitting, the possibility to set up a global ‘Coastal Forum’, to raise the profile of intertidal wetland and associated coastal habitats conservation and wise-use within relevant programmes of work, share experience and knowledge on solutions related to the conservation and management of these ecosystems, and to encourage stakeholders to support such an initiative;

3. Requests the Scientific Council, funding permitting, to seek input from the scientific subsidiary bodies of other multi-lateral environment agreements, to establish a multistakeholder working group, under the proposed Coastal Forum, to develop global guidance on the conservation, wise use and management of sustainable ‘Working Coastal Habitats’, in particular elaborating strategies and models for economic development, that maintain the ecological character and functionality of such habitats to the benefit of local communities and migratory species, and to submit this draft guidance for consideration at COP13;

4. Urges Parties and the Scientific Council, funding permitting, to support and engage in the establishment, under the Coastal Forum, of a “Caring for Coasts” initiative to promote restoration of coastal wetlands and other relevant habitats;


►    The CMS COP Resolution 12.07 (Manila, 2017) on the Role of Ecological Networks in the Conservation of Migratory Species, includes:

8. Encourages Parties, other Range States and relevant organizations to apply the IUCN WCPA Best Practice Guideline on Transboundary Conservation, the IUCN WCPA / SSC Joint Taskforce on Protected Areas and Biodiversity’s Key Biodiversity Areas standard and the criteria for identifying Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs) developed by the IUCN Joint SSC/WCPA Marine Mammal Protected Areas Task Force once adopted by IUCN;

►    The Central Asian Flyways Action Plan for the conservation of migratory water birds and their habitats (CAF) includes:

Objective 3 - Habitat Conservation and Management:

3.2.5) Range States shall increase the capacity of local agencies and interest groups to support development and implementation of management plans of all internationally and nationally important sites to conserve the important sites for the populations listed in Table 2.

►    The International Single Species Action Plan for the Conservation of the Argali includes:

Objective 2 - To maintain and restore intact argali habitat and migration routes:

2.1.5) Provide adequate transport, equipment, and training to protected areas and rangers.

2.5.1) Increase the capacity of protected area and hunting area managers to monitor and sustainably manage argali populations through training.

►    The MoU concerning conservation measures for marine turtles of the Atlantic coast of Africa: Conservation and Management Plan for Marine Turtles of the Atlantic coast of Africa includes:

Objective 1 - Reduce direct and indirect causes of marine turtle mortality:

1.6.2) Train and put in place sufficient numbers of “eco-guards” to protect and monitor nesting beaches.Target 10: All critical habitats and sites for migratory species are identified and included in area-based conservation measures so as to maintain their quality, integrity, resilience and functioning in accordance with the implementation of Aichi Target 11, supported where necessary by environmentally sensitive land-use planning and landscape management on a wider scale.


►    The CMS COP Resolution 12.13 (Manila 2017) on Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs) includes:

2. Requests Parties and invites all Range States, intergovernmental organizations and partners to identify specific areas where the identification of IMMAs could be particularly beneficial, for example through stimulating protected area network design and connectivity, or addressing threats to aquatic mammals more comprehensively;


►    The Action Plan for the Americas Flyways 2018-2023attached to Resolution 12.11 as Annex 3, includes:


3.1.2. Capacity-building and communication Organize regional workshops to share best practices, lessons learnt on action planning and site management and to promote flyway conservation and integrated policy solutions.