Target 10: All critical habitats and sites for migratory species are identified and included in area-based conservation measures so as to maintain their quality, integrity, resilience and functioning in accordance with the implementation of Aichi Target 11, supported where necessary by environmentally sensitive land-use planning and landscape management on a wider scale.


Relevant questions in the existing CMS National Report format


3. Listing of migratory species in Appendix II:

IV. National and Regional Priorities:

3. Does the conservation of migratory species currently feature in any other national or regional policies/plans (apart from CMS Agreements)? If yes, please provide details:

3a. Do these policies/plans cover the following areas?

Designation and development of protected areas. If yes, please provide details.

Development of ecological networks. If yes, please provide details.

4. Results - please describe the positive outcomes of any actions taken.


V. Protected Areas:

1. Are migratory species taken into account in the selection, establishment and management of protected areas in your country? If yes, please provide details:

1a. Please identify the most important national sites for migratory species and their protection status.

1b. Do these protected areas cover the following areas?:

Terrestrial. If yes, please provide details and include the amount of protected areas coverage and the number of protected areas.

Aquatic. If yes, please provide details and include the amount of protected areas coverage and the number of protected areas.

Marine. If yes, please provide details and include the amount of protected areas coverage and the number of protected areas

2. Results - please describe the positive outcomes of any actions taken.

►    The CMS COP Resolution 12. 11 (Manila 2017) on Flyways includes:

1.                   Welcomes the establishment of an Americas Flyways Task Force, to coordinate the development and implementation of an Americas Action Plan to achieve the global Programme of Work and Americas Flyways Framework including provisions for concerted conservation action for priority species, and to report to COP13 onwards;


►    The  CMS COP Resolution 12.25 (Manila 2017) on Promoting Conservation of Critical Intertidal and Other Coastal Habitats for Migratory Species includes: 


 16. Calls on Parties and the Scientific Council to report progress in implementing this Resolution, including assessments of the efficacy of measures taken, to each meeting of the Conference of the Parties including through their National Reports