Migratory species and their habitats which provide important ecosystem services are maintained at or restored to favourable conservation status, taking into account the needs of women, indigenous and local communities, and the poor and vulnerable.

Note: The services concerned may include water supply, quality and regulation; disaster risk reduction; climate regulation; cultural services; food and other socio-economic benefits, all contributing to people’s health, livelihoods and well-being. Actions towards this SPMS target may also contribute to SPMS target 8.

Note added subsequent to SPMS adoption: The phrase “indigenous and local communities” follows the terminology in the text of the Convention on Biological Diversity.  At around the same time as the SPMS was being adopted by CMS, CBD COP Decision XII/12 (2014) confirmed that although the CBD was deciding to use the phrase “indigenous peoples and local communities” in future decisions and secondary documents, this would not act to interpret or change the legal meaning of the original phrase in the Convention text.

Expected result

Target 8, although formulated differently, effectively has the same objective of seeking favourable conservation status for migratory species.  Target 11 may be regarded as a sub-target of that target, since it seeks the same outcome for a sub-set of migratory species, namely those which provide important ecosystem services.

Target 11 could be read as containing two parallel expectations, one relating to the status of species that provide important services, and one relating to the status of habitats that provide important services.  For assessment purposes however it will be more practical to regard this as primarily a species-focused question, where it is the ecological system of a species in its habitat that (in combination) gives rise to the services, and the status of the species in this context is the issue to be assessed.

Assessment of progress towards this target will require information on:

  • Identification of particular species (and species-habitat interactions) that provide important ecosystem services (including identification of the services concerned).
  • Conservation status of the species concerned, assessed by reference to the definition of “favourable conservation status” adopted by the CMS.
  • The relevant needs of women, indigenous and local communities and the poor and vulnerable.
  • Whether (and ideally how) the needs of women and the other groups mentioned in the preceding point have been taken into account.

A - Outreach, promotion and uptake of the Plan

  • CMS Communication Strategy (under development)

D - Capacity development

See section T8-D for capacity development measures relevant to this target

E - Resourcing for biodiversity (including human, technical and financial resources)

See section T8-E for measures concerning resourcing relevant to this target

F - Monitoring and evaluation, including indicators, milestones and feedback to the sub-targets, as well as headline measures of success by which overall success of the SPMS may be judged

Section to be completed soon, for now see the Indicator Factsheets

G - Reporting on and review of progress at national level and by governing bodies such as the CMS COP

  • None specifically.