Target 12: The genetic diversity of wild populations of migratory species is safeguarded, and strategies have been developed and implemented for minimizing genetic erosion.


Avian Species


►    The Memorandum of Understanding on the conservation of migratory birds of prey in Africa and Eurasia (Raptors MoU) includes:

8.g) To this end, the Signatories will endeavour to take appropriate measures to prevent the introduction into their territory of non-native birds of prey, including hybrids where this would have an adverse effect on the conservation of native biodiversity.



►  The CMS COP Resolution 11.28 on Future CMS Activities related to Invasive Alien Species includes:

1. Calls on Parties and non-Parties to address threats from IAS and particularly to undertake concrete dedicated actions aimed at preventing and mitigating the negative impact of IAS on migratory species, consistent with applicable international obligations and with a focus on CMS-listed species, including the elaboration of national lists of species for which restrictions might apply, development and further implementation of specific and/or thematic action plans and management plans for species and pathways of greater concern, focusing on Best Practices for Addressing Risks to Biodiversity including preventing the introduction of listed species, and where IAS threats have established eradicating priority IAS from priority sites, or controlling priority IAS threats (where eradication isn't feasible) also at priority sites;

2. Requests the Scientific Council to ensure that the following are addressed: the improvement of understanding of interactions between IAS and threatened migratory species; the development of priorities for intervention; and the improvement in international cooperation and development of adaptable management strategies when discussing topics for which IAS might be relevant;

3. Instructs the Secretariat to continue to streamline activities focusing on IAS issues within the CMS Family Secretariats, whenever feasible and relevant and within the mandates given by their Parties/Signatories, in order to enhance the effective delivery of concrete conservation action (including active management of IAS and the threatened CMS species) and awareness-raising;

4. Invites Parties and non-Parties to take into account the risk of migratory species to become invasive themselves if translocated and/or introduced outside their natural range, by undertaking dedicated risk assessments incorporating future climate change scenarios for any movement of animals, including measures related to conservation actions targeting endangered species;

 5. Further invites Parties and non-Parties to take into account the risk of facilitating the introduction or spread of IAS while implementing any climate change mitigation or adaptation measures;