Target 16: The mobilization of adequate resources from all sources to implement the Strategic Plan for Migratory Species effectively has increased substantially.


Significant funding provided by national governments and international agencies is available for species conservation. In addition, some global funds are available for threatened species conservation through the Darwin Initiative; Save Our Species fund; the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund; the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund; several Funds under the United States Fish and Wildlife Service International Programmes and many private Foundations.


The Global Environment Facility (GEF), although it is not a financial mechanism for CMS, is an important source of funding for migratory species conservation. CMS COP Resolution 11.10 (2014) on Synergies and Partnerships points out that CMS Parties can submit their funding needs for the conservation of migratory species at national level that are in line with SPMS and Aichi targets to GEF through the CBD Secretariat to shape GEF Strategies and elated replenishments.


Cooperation (at all levels e.g. south-south and north-south) through exchange of resources, technology, and knowledge as well as good practice in financing is an essential tool.


►      The COP Resolution 12.21 (Manila 2017) Climate Change and Migratory Species includes:

10. Urges Parties and invites relevant international organizations, bilateral and multilateral donors to support financially the implementation of the POW including through the provision of financial and other assistance to developing countries for relevant capacity building


►    The Report 1: Migratory Species, Marine Debris and its Management includes:

Objective 6 - Recommendations:

· Exploring resourcing opportunities within the World Bank’s ‘Global Partnership for Oceans’, regional research funding programs such as the EU’s Framework Programme for Research, the Pew Charitable Trusts, the Institute of Marine Research and a volunteering programme for monitoring of animals/marine debris.

· Exploring, for species that are commercially exploited, possibilities to engage stakeholders involved in commercial exploitation to finance conservation efforts for these species.