Target 8: The conservation status of all migratory species, especially threatened species, has considerably improved throughout their range.


Note: Under the Sharks MoU, a communication and awareness-raising strategy is being planned for completion in 2017, which will inter alia address the conservation status of the relevant species. 

►    The CMS COP Resolution 12.06 on Wildlife Disease and Migratory Species, includes:

10. Requests Contracting Parties and urges non-contracting Parties to develop and implement programmes of education and public awareness on HPAI, especially aimed at actually or potentially affected stakeholders, in particular those engaged in outdoor activities and the poultry industry;


►    The CMS COP Resolution 12.17 on the Conservation and Management of Whales and their Habitats in the South Atlantic Region includes:

3. Encourages Parties to redouble their efforts to increase public awareness of, and support for, great whales’ conservation along migratory routes in the South Atlantic among the general public and stakeholders;


►    The  CMS COP Resolution 09.22 (Rev. COP12) on Tigers and Other Asian Big Cats includes:

1. Urges Parties and Range States to enhance mutual transboundary cooperation for the conservation and management of tigers and other Asian big cat species throughout the species’ range and potential donor countries to provide or increase financial support for conservation of Asian big cat species;


►    The  CMS COP Resolution 11.18 (Rev.COP12) on Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) Global Action Plan (SAKERGAP)

5. Welcomes the offer by the International Association for Falconry and Conservation of Birds of Prey (IAF) to lead in taking forward the first Saker Falcon Task Force Flagship Project to develop an Online Information Portal to engage falcon hospitals, falconers and trappers within a Saker Falcon Network;


►    The Programme of Work on Migratory Birds and Flyways (2014-2023), attached as Annex I to Resolution 12.11 includes:

Theme D. Awareness raising

Objectives 1. Raise awareness and support for conservation of migratory birds and their habitats globally


►    The Action Plan for the Americas Flyways 2018-2023 attached to Resolution 12.11 as Annex 3


4.1. Improve public awareness and understanding of migratory birds

4.1.2. Coordination and implementation Implement actions at regional, national and local scales, to raise awareness of migratory birds and critical habitats (e.g., mangroves, grasslands), taking advantage of international events such as the International Migratory Bird Day, World Wildlife Day and others.

 4.1.3. Information to the public Enhance dissemination of existing case studies on mechanisms to enhance the conservation of migratory birds, e.g. site networks through various channels (e.g. CBD Clearing House Mechanism,