Target 9: International and regional action and cooperation between States for the conservation and effective management of migratory species fully reflects a migration systems approach, in which all States sharing responsibility for the species concerned engage in such actions in a concerted way.


►    The CMS COP Resolution 10.25 (Rev.COP12) on Enhancing Engagement with the Global Environmental Facility includes:

1. Encourages CMS Focal Points to seek opportunities for enhancing dialogue at national and regional levels with the Focal Points of the CBD and the GEF, with a view to focusing attention on relevant prioritization and decision making processes for GEF funding at the national and regional level to the needs of migratory species and opportunities for their conservation and sustainable use;

2. Further encourages interested Parties to enhance collaboration with National Focal Points for the CBD and GEF to implement the options available under the existing GEF structure, as laid out in document UNEP/CMS/Conf.10.41, and specifically to:

a) develop further habitat-based projects under existing GEF strategies;

 b) develop further species-based projects under existing GEF strategies;

c) enhance collaboration at National Focal Point level;

d) integrate relevant objectives into support for National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAP)s;

4. Welcomes the CBD COP12 Decision XII/30 on the Global Environment Facility to enhance programmatic synergies among the biodiversity-related conventions and in this context requests the Standing Committee to develop elements of advice for the Global Environment Facility concerning the funding of the national priorities for the CMS;

5. Requests the Executive Secretary to provide the elements of advice as developed by the Standing Committee in time to be considered at meetings of the CBD COP so that they may be referred to the Global Environment Facility through the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity;

6. Invites the Secretariat of the GEF to participate in follow-up to the present Resolution through discussions with the CMS Secretariat, and by other appropriate means, including exploration of all opportunities to enhance GEF support to countries for activities relevant to the implementation of CMS;

7. Requests the Secretariat to engage with the GEF at all appropriate levels in pursuing the implementation of the present Resolution;

8. Requests UNEP to provide support and input as appropriate to the implementation of the present Resolution; and

9. Instructs the Secretariat to report on progress in implementing the present Resolution to meetings of the Standing Committee, and to submit proposals for further action to meetings of the Conference of Parties


►    The CMS COP Resolution 11.31 (2014) on Fighting wildlife crime and offences within and beyond borders includes:


11. Calls upon Parties and other Range States that have not already done so, to sign the CMS instruments relevant to species particularly affected by wildlife crime and offences, such as the Gorilla Agreement, AEWA, and the MOUs on Sharks, Raptors and IOSEA marine turtles, and to implement the relevant provisions;


12. Welcomes the cooperation between the Secretariat and the members of the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW) and encourages the Secretariat to continue working closely with the CPW;


13. Encourages the many stakeholders addressing wildlife crime affecting migratory species to collaborate closely, including Parties, non-Parties, intergovernmental, international and national organizations, Multilateral Environmental Agreements and established networks, such as ICCWC and each of its partner agencies (CITES, INTERPOL, UNODC, the World Bank and the WCO), UNEP, Regional Fishery Management Organizations (RFMOs), and regional Wildlife Enforcement Networks (WENs); and


14. Instructs the Secretariat to continue strengthening collaboration with relevant stakeholders in order to address wildlife crime and offences