Meta 3: La gobernanza nacional, regional, e internacional que afecta a las especies migratorias y sus hábitats habrá mejorado significativamente, haciendo que los procesos políticos, normativos y de implementación pertinentes sean más coherentes, responsables, transparentes, participativos, equitativos e inclusivos.


Impacto Antropogénicas


►    La Resolución 11.31 - Lucha contra los delitos y faltas contra la fauna silvestre dentro y fuera de las fronteras incluye:

2) Insta a las Partes a adoptar medidas adecuadas para asegurar que sus marcos legislativos prevean sanciones para los delitos contra la vida silvestre, las cuales sean efectivas y disuasorias y reflejen la gravedad del delito y establezcan la confiscación de los especímenes capturados en violación de la Convención;

3) Insta a las Partes e invita a las no Partes a fortalecer la aplicación de la ley a nivel nacional y transfronterizo poniendo un énfasis especial en la cooperación interdisciplinaria y el intercambio de información entre las partes interesadas relevantes, como guardas forestales, responsables de la gestión de la fauna silvestre, aduanas, policía y militares; y

4) Sugiere que Partes y las no Partes establezcan disposiciones de cooperación bilateral y multilateral para la gestión de las poblaciones de fauna silvestre compartidas y los hábitats con fronteras comunes, con el fin de minimizar la captura y el tráfico ilegales.

►    La Resolución 11.13 - Acciones concertadas y cooperativas incluye:

3) Encourages Parties to ensure that all initiatives to undertake Concerted or Cooperative Actions pursuant to this Resolution must include a specification of the conservation and institutional outcomes expected and the timeframes within which these outcomes should be achieved.


Especies Acuáticas


►    The Memorandum of Understanding for the conservation of cetaceans and their habitats in the Pacific Islands Region: Whale and Dolphin Action Plan 2013-2017 includes:

Theme 6 - Cultural Significance and Value

Objective 1 - Document the range of cultural practices, values and knowledge associated with whales and dolphins and encourage a more cohesive approach in policies and legislation.

6.3) Review and identify gaps and conflicts in relevant policies and legislation to support the protection and promotion of traditional resource management (TRM), traditional knowledge (TK), intellectual property rights (IPR), access and benefit sharing (ABS), and customary marine tenure (CMT).

Theme 9 - National, Regional and International Collaboration and Cooperation

Objective 1 - Promote and enhance national, regional and international coordination, collaboration and partnership for whale and dolphin conservation in the Pacific Islands Region

9.1) Promote understanding by facilitating effective information sharing mechanisms (e.g. networks) to assist in addressing cross sectoral issues and migratory species conservation.

9.2) Encourage and support PICTs in removing internal cross sectoral barriers in order to effectively implement the WDAP at the local and national Government levels.

9.4) Promote cooperation and highlight achievements and lessons learned in whale and dolphin conservation at national regional and international fora.

9.7) Ensure integration of whale and dolphin conservation into national, regional and international initiatives including: NBSAPs; National Sustainable Development Strategies; Pacific Islands Regional Oceans Policy; Action Strategy for Nature Conservation, CROP Marine Sector Working Group; RFMOs; NBSAP Working Group). CTI, Micronesian challenge, Oceanscape, Funding opportunities e.g. GEF.

9.8) Coordinate and facilitate the compilation of PICTs position for relevant international processes and MEAs on whales and dolphin.

►    La Memorando de Entendimiento sobra la conservación de los tiburones migratorios - Anexo 3: Plan de Conservación incluye:

Tema 7 - Políticas, legislación y aplicación de la ley:

Objetivo 1 - Revisión de las políticas nacionales:

7.1.1) Revisar políticas y leyes nacionales para tratar carencias u obstáculos a la conservación y gestión de tiburones y sus hábitats.

►    The Conservation and Management Plan of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of Marine Turtles and their Habitats of the Indian Ocean and South-East Asia (IOSEA Marine Turtle MoU) includes:

Objective 4 - Increase public awareness of the threats to marine turtles and their habitats, and enhance public participation in conservation activities

4.2) Identify and facilitate alternative livelihoods (including income generating activities) that are not detrimental to marine turtles and their habitats, in consultation with local communities and other stakeholders

4.3.b) Encourage the participation of Government institutions, non-governmental organisations, the private sector and the general community (e.g. students, volunteers, fishing communities, local communities) in research and conservation efforts

Objective 5- Enhance national, regional and international cooperation

5.5 b) Cooperate in law enforcement to ensure compatible application of laws across and between jurisdictions (including through bilateral/multilateral agreements and intelligence sharing)

Objective 6 - Promote implementation of the MoU including the Conservation and Management Plan

6.4.a) Review the roles and responsibilities of government agencies related to the conservation and management of marine turtles and their habitats

6.4.b) Designate a lead agency responsible for coordinating national marine turtle conservation and management policy

6.4.c) Encourage cooperation within and among government and non-government sectors, including through the development and/or strengthening of national networks

►    The Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation and Management of Dugongs (Dugon dugong) and their Habitats throughout their Range (Dugong MoU) includes:

Objective 6 – Enhance national, regional and international cooperation

6.1) Collaborate with, and assist Signatory and non-Signatory States to combat illegal international and domestic trade, and to cooperate in enforcement activities relating to dugong products

6.3) Improve coordination among government and non-government sectors and communities in the conservation of dugongs and their habitats

Objective 8 – Improve legal protection of dugongs and their habitats

8.1) Encourage all Range States, and ensure Signatory states, incorporate dugong and habitat conservation and protection measures into national legislation

8.2) Review, and where necessary, strengthen national legal protection for dugongs and their habitats