Great Bustard MOU Meeting Starts 8 April

© Dürgő Kakas and Túzok KakasBonn,
4 April 2013
- The Third Meeting of the Signatories to the CMS Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation (MOU) and Management of the Middle-European Population of the Great Bustard (Otis tarda) will take place in Szarvas, Hungary, in the Körös-Maros National Park, from 8-12 April 2013.

The general objectives of the meeting are to review the status of implementation of the MOU and to consider steps towards improving the conservation status of the Great Bustard throughout its breeding, migration and wintering range. This includes the amendment of the geographical scope of the MOU and the Action Plan to include another four countries (Italy, Montenegro, Serbia and the Russian Federation)  At present, 13 of the 16 range states listed in the MOU have signed. National focal points will also review the National Work Programmes and adopt guidelines and the Medium-term International Work Programme for the next period.

© Gábor CzifrákHosted and organized by Hungary, the meeting will bring together more than 30 countries, including 16 Range States and a number of non-Range States. It will be preceded by a Great Bustard Scientific Symposium (8-9 April), where experts from all over Europe and some parts of Asia have shown interest to attend. A special highlight is an excursion to the wintering grounds of the Great Bustard on 10 April.

Last updated on 16 June 2014