Tajikistan is Developing a Climate-Smart National Action Plan for the Conservation of the Snow Leopard and its Ecosystems

Contributed article by Ismoil Kholmatov, Association of Nature Conservation Organizations of Tajikistan (ANCOT), The Vanishing Treasures programme coordinator in Tajikistan.


Bonn, 16 November 2022 - Tajikistan’s mountains are home to about 250 Snow Leopards (Panthera uncia). The total range of the species covers about 60% of the surface area of the country and about 2.8% of the current global range of the species. This predator is a key flagship species for the conservation of natural ecosystems in Tajikistan. However, to ensure its conservation further effective measures are urgently needed. In recent years, a dedicated policy on environmental protection and biodiversity conservation has been developed in Tajikistan, which includes improvements of the legal framework and measures to raise public awareness.

In line with this process, the Association of Nature Conservation Organizations of Tajikistan (ANCOT) is preparing a climate-smart National Action Plan for the Conservation of the Snow Leopard and its ecosystems for the period 2023-2025 together with partners within the frameworks of the UNEP Vanishing Treasures project and the UNDP / GEF  project "Conservation and sustainable use of the Pamir-Alay and Tien Shan ecosystems for the protection of the snow leopard". The implementation of the National Action Plan for the Conservation of the Snow Leopard in Tajikistan will foster conservation of rare and endangered species. Furthermore, the Action Plan contributes to the efforts to improve the conservation status of the Snow Leopard beyond national borders, as the mountains of Tajikistan are a key part of the range of this species in Central Asia.

The International Snow Leopard Conservation Strategy (2003, 2007) and the Global Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Conservation Program (GSLEP) served as the foundational documents for the development of the climate-smart National Action Plan for the Conservation of the Snow Leopard and its Ecosystems in Tajikistan.

When drawing up the climate-smart National Action Plan, not only was the experience of other countries in developing similar strategic documents considered, but also the Action Plan was discussed in all regions of the republic. In July of this year, the ANCOT working group, together with national partners, held a national workshop in Dushanbe to discuss the National Action Plan. More than 30 participants from various state and non-state organizations, including representatives of the Committee of Environmental Protection under the Government under the Republic of Tajikistan, National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, Forest Agency of Tajikistan, universities, hunting companies took part in the seminar.

Now, ANCOT together with National Academy of Science of Tajikistan are collecting all permits for obtaining the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on the approval of the Climate-Smart Action Plan for the Conservation of the Snow Leopard and Its Ecosystems in Tajikistan.

More information on the Vanishing Treasures programme can be found here: https://vanishingtreasures.org/

About the Association of Nature Conservation Organizations of Tajikistan: www.tajwildlife.com


Last updated on 16 November 2022