Rome Strategic Plan: Objective 1: To understand the scope, scale and motivations behind illegal killing, taking and trade of birds (IKB)


The first result-oriented objective of the Rome Strategic Plan is to have a good common understanding of the scale, scope and motivations behind IKB in a country. That means knowing how many birds are affected by IKB each year, which species, what methods are being used to kill or take those birds, during which seasons and in which parts of the country the IKB takes place. Additionally, it’s important to know why IKB is taking place, i.e. what are the drivers and motivations behind it.

Although illegal activities are notoriously difficult to monitor, systematic monitoring nevertheless can provide an objective and comparable picture of IKB in a country.  This monitoring can be used overtime to measure progress and assess the effectiveness of actions to address IKB, so that they can be reviewed and updated accordingly.

Additionally, systematic monitoring of IKB can help monitor progress in implementing actions to reach the Rome Strategic Plan goal of reducing IKB by 50% against a 2020 baseline. It is therefore recommended for all countries to have in place a system for monitoring IKB.

Setting a baseline and measuring progress in tackling IKB implies the adoption of a methodology for assessing the scale and scope of IKB in a repeatable and systematic way. Activities that lead to illegal killing, taking and trade of wild birds vary extensively, and depending on the activities and illegal methods used, the methodologies required for determining the scale and scope may differ. An agreed methodology that is followed in a systematic way on a regular basis is also crucial to reliably assess trends of IKB.

Monitoring motivations is also crucial for understanding the drivers from a socio-economic point of view. It is very important to understand those drivers in order to prepare effective work on prevention of IKB.

Click here to see the targets, indicators, and actions on Monitoring IKB and Monitoring motivations in the Rome Strategic Plan.


Workshop Monitoring Back to MIKT Website Rome Strategic Plan


The European Union was recognized as Champion Plus for their generous support and commitment towards addressing Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Migratory Birds in the Mediterranean for the period 2015 - 2028.


Key Documents Developed by CMS Secretariat for MIKT

Paper on the Baseline and Methodology for Assessing Progress toward Achieving the Rome Strategic Plan 2020-2030: Eradicating Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade in Wild Birds in Europe and the Mediterranean Region, endorsed by MIKT members in 2021.


Suggested Methodology and Guidance for Conducting Socio-Economic Research into the Motivations behind Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Birds, endorsed in June 2023.


Guidelines on Methods and Techniques for Monitoring IKB

BirdLife International (2022) A best practice guide for monitoring illegal killing and taking of birds, 3rd Edition. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International.


Studies on Scope and Scale of IKB

The Killing (2015) The summary report of a preliminary assessment of the scope and scale of illegal killing and taking of birds in the Mediterranean. The peer reviewed paper (below) was published in 2016. The BirdLife Partnership presents this review based on the first ever comprehensive scientific study to quantify the scale and scope of illegal killing across the Mediterranean region.

Preliminary assessment of the scope and scale of illegal killing and taking of birds in the Mediterranean (2016) The BirdLife Partnership’s view on the scope and scale of illegal killing, taking and trade of birds in the Mediterranean.

Illegal killing and taking of birds in Europe outside the Mediterranean: assessing the scope and scale of a complex issue (2017) The BirdLife Partnership’s view on the scope and scale of illegal killing, taking and trade of birds in Northern and Central Europe and the Caucasus.


Studies on IKB Motivations

Study on the Origin and Motivation of Environmental Crime LIFE Nature Guardians. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid, 2023


Other Initiatives or Documents on Wildlife Crime

Bird Trapping in Egypt and Libya (2012)    

Wildlife and Forest Crime Analytic Toolkit (2012) A toolkit developed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, in partnership with other members of International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC), United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Vienna. Includes advice on monitoring IKB also. Available in English, French and Spanish.

Compilation d’outils pour l’analyse de la criminalité liée aux espèces sauvages et aux forêts (Wildlife and Forest Crime Analytic Toolkit in French)

Herramientas para el análisis de los delitos contra la vida silvestre y los bosques (Wildlife and Forest Crime Analytic Toolkit in Spanish)


Police Investigation Manual of Offences against Biodiversity A manual to aid police investigations of crimes against biodiversity produced by SEO/BirdLife, 2022.


Methodology for the Development of an Environmental Crime Database. SEO/BirdLife, Proyecto LIFE Guardianes de la Naturaleza. Madrid, 2022.


Illegal use of poisoned baits, legal analysis and investigation  A report on the illegal use of poisoned baits produced by SEO/BirdLife, 2016.