The Rome Strategic Plan encourages all countries to develop and implement National IKB Action Plans (IKB NAP) or have relevant documents identifying priority actions to address IKB.

The development of an IKB NAP is considered an opportunity for wide collaboration between all actors involved in combating IKB in a country and a way of prioritising and organizing action. It is also a way of encouraging ownership and empowering the different actors, especially if the plan is endorsed at a high governmental level.

Additionally, the development of an IKB NAP offers ways to coordinate action of different agencies and stakeholders, monitor as well as report on action, and measure success against objectives and targets. It can also help organise international cooperation and aid fundraising.

Some members of MIKT already have IKB NAPs either for the whole country and all IKB issues, or for a particular issue or part of the country. Some of those IKB NAPs can be found in the section of key documents (see below) and can act as examples.

As part of the implementation of the Rome Strategic Plan, the CMS and Bern Convention Secretariats prepared Recommendations for the Development and Implementation of National Action Plans against the Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of birds. This work builds on a preliminary discussion on a possible format which took place on the subject during the MIKT meeting in June 2021. MIKT members and the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention endorsed this document. 

Click here to see the targets, indicators, and actions related to National IKB Plans in the Rome Strategic Plan.


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The European Union was recognized as Champion Plus for their generous support and commitment towards addressing Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Migratory Birds in the Mediterranean for the period 2015 - 2028.


Key Documents Developed by CMS Secretariat for MIKT

Guidance for Development and Implementation of National Action Plans Against the Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Birds (December 2022)

Considerations for the way forward on preparing a Format and Guidance for the Development and Implementation of National IKB Action Plans developed in 2021.


Examples of National IKB Action Plans

The Plan of Action to Address Bird Trapping along the Mediterranean Coasts of Egypt and Libya Adopted in 2014

The Italian National Action Plan to Combat Wild Bird Crime adopted in Italy in 2017, and translated by CMS Secretariat into English and French in 2022. Available in Italian, English and French.


Examples of National Action Plans on Related Subjects

Spanish Action Plan against Illegal Trafficking and International Poaching of Wildlife Species adopted in 2018 and translated into English in 2020 (Plan TIFIES). Translated also in French by CMS.

Available in Spanish, English and French.


Other International Strategic Documents

EC Roadmap towards eliminating illegal killing, trapping and trade of birds (2016)

The EC Roadmap towards eliminating IKB was first adopted in 2012 and has since been updated and revised a few times up to 2017, when actions were incorporated in the MIKT process thereon.


Revision of the EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking (2022)

This updated action plan is intended to contribute to a commitment adopted during the 15th conference of the parties to the CBD in December 2022, to set concrete goals and targets to ensure that the harvesting, use of, and trade in wild, terrestrial, freshwater and marine species is legal and sustainable, and contributes to the full implementation of this commitment by the European Union and its Member States.

Available to download in many languages


Combating Environmental Crimes and Related Infringements

Environmental compliance assurance: guidance document, European Commission (2021)

Available to download in many languages.

The Guidance supports the work of environmental inspectors, police officers, customs officers, prosecutors, judges and others in combating environmental crime and related infringements. Environmental infringements are contraventions of obligations aimed at protecting the environment.


Combating environmental crimes and related infringements: a summary guide, by the European Commission (2021)

This summary guide explains how EU Member States can combat environmental crimes, wildlife crimes

Available to download in many languages.


Background Documents/Information

International Coordination Meeting Agrees on a Plan of Action to Address the Issue of Bird Trapping Along the Mediterranean Coasts of Egypt and Libya