Elephas maximus indicus

A new report on plastic pollution and migratory species was launched today during the fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA5) in Nairobi. The report, “Risk assessment of plastic pollution to migratory species in the Mekong and Ganga River Basins”, was prepared under the UN’s Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS). 

01 Mar 2022

Migratory species are likely to be among the most vulnerable to plastic pollution according to a new study released today by the Secretariat of the UN's Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS). The study focused for the first time on the impacts that plastic pollution has on animals that live on land and in freshwater environments, in the Asia-Pacific region. The study included case studies on the Ganges and Mekong river basins, which together contribute an estimated 200,000 tons of plastic pollution to the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean every year.

30 Aug 2021

The Government of India, in its capacity as CMS COP President, has produced a report detailing conservation initiatives for many species listed on the CMS Appendices including those added during COP13 in Gandhinagar, India. Marine species are among those that benefit from new conservation measures. Being a signatory of the IOSEA Marine Turtles MOU, the government has launched a ‘National Marine Turtle Action Plan (2021-2026)’ to take effective measures for the conservation of marine turtles.

24 Feb 2021
Assessment information
CMS InstrumentsCMS
IUCN StatusEndangered
Date of entry in Appendix I2020
Geographic range
Countries Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia (peninsular Malaysia), Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Viet Nam
Common names
EnglishIndian Elephant
FrenchÉléphant d'Inde
SpanishElefante Indio
GermanIndischer Elefant
Scientific name Elephas maximus indicus

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