Rome Strategic Plan: Objective 3: To ensure that the illegal killing of birds is addressed effectively and efficiently in national legislation


The third result-oriented objective of the Rome Strategic Plan is the need to have efficient and effective national legislation for tackling illegal killing, taking and trade (IKB) in wild birds.

The Rome Strategic Plan foresees that the CMS Secretariat develops guidelines on effective legislation including examples of model legislation on combating IKB in collaboration with legal experts. The work is ongoing and is expected to be available during the course of 2022.

At the same time, the Rome Strategic Plan foresees that all countries undertake an expert assessment of national legislation addressing IKB to identify possible gaps, and then develop and/or amend national legislation to address such gaps, aiming for 100% of all countries to be covered by appropriate legislation.

Click here to see the targets, indicators, and actions on National legislation in the Rome Strategic Plan.


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The European Union was recognized as Champion Plus for their generous support and commitment towards addressing Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Migratory Birds in the Mediterranean for the period 2015 - 2028.


Key Documents Developed by CMS Secretariat for MIKT

Legislative Guidance Materials relating to the Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Wild Birds (2022)

Model Law Provisions on Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Wild Birds (IKB) (2022)


National Legislation Examples

National Profile Israel (Feb 2023)

National Profile Italy (Feb 2023)

National Profile Spain (May 2022)

Examples from Albania, Cyprus and Hungary (Feb 2023)


Other Documents on Legislation to Address Wildlife Crime

Wildlife and Forest Crime Analytic Toolkit (2012) A toolkit developed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, in partnership with other members of International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC), United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Vienna. Available in English, French and Spanish.

Compilation d’outils pour l’analyse de la criminalité liée aux espèces sauvages et aux forêts (Wildlife and Forest Crime Analytic Toolkit in French)

Herramientas para el análisis de los delitos contra la vida silvestre y los bosques (Wildlife and Forest Crime Analytic Toolkit in Spanish)


EU Directives

Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 on the conservation of wild birds (Birds Directive) (in all EU languages)

Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (Habitats Directive) (in all EU languages)

Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on the protection of the environment through criminal law (Criminal Law Directive) (in all EU languages)


Reports, Guidance and Analyses

Combating environmental crimes and related infringements

Environmental compliance assurance: guidance document, European Commission (2021)

Available to download in many languages.

The Guidance supports the work of environmental inspectors, police officers, customs officers, prosecutors, judges and others in combating environmental crime and related infringements. Environmental infringements are contraventions of obligations aimed at protecting the environment.


Combating environmental crimes and related infringements: a summary guide, by the European Commission (2021)

This summary guide explains how EU Member States can combat environmental crimes, wildlife crimes

Available to download in many languages.


Illegal use of poisoned baits, legal analysis and investigation. A report on the illegal use of poisoned baits produced by SEO/BirdLife, 2016.


Study on the implementation of Directive 2008/99/EC on the protection of the environment through criminal law A study done under a project coordinated by SEO/BirdLife to create a European Network Against Environmental Crime, 2016.


Legal Recommendations to eliminate illegal killing and taking of birds (Feb 2016)