CMS Ambassador Stanley Johnson Presents New Book: Where the Wild Things Were

click here to see a larger version of the coverBonn,
16 August 2012
- Stanley Johnson, conservationist
and CMS Ambassador has published his new book entitled:
Where the Wild Things Were: Travels of a Conservationist.
In this volume of collected travel and environmental writings,
Stanley takes us on incredible journeys across the globe
to a face-to-face encounter with fascinating but endangered
migratory animals covered under CMS. A series of travelogues
published over the past decade introduce us to charismatic
conservationists and dedicated people. As CMS Ambassador
and passionate wildlife advocate he illustrates what CMS
is about: saving the last hotspots of biodiversity.

Stanley Johnson has written more than a dozen books on
environmental subjects. Among them Survival - Saving Endangered
Migratory Species, co-authored with CMS’s consultant
editor Robert Vagg, which was a runner-up in the 2011 Benjamin
Franklin Awards.

Link to the review from Country
of July 18, 2012

Click here
to order the book


Last updated on 16 June 2014