Saker Falcon Task Force: Compilation Report on WorkPlan Objectives 4–8

Compilation Report on WorkPlan Objectives 4 – 8, including a modelling framework for sustainable use of the Saker Falcon Falco cherrug
In November 2011, CMS Resolution 10.28 established the Saker Falcon Task Force (STF). The Task Force brought together Range States of the Saker Falcon, co‐operating Partners and other stakeholders to develop a coordinated Global Species Action Plan. Importantly, the Action Plan would include a management and monitoring system for the sustainable use of the species. 
The first meeting of the STF in March 2012 identified a number of key objectives and actions required to develop the management and monitoring plan for the species. The actions of Objectives 4 – 8 are of a preparatory character and planned to support the Action Planning process with the provision of important background information thematically. Due to the complexity of the conservation and management of the Saker Falcon, this information gathering should precede the Action Planning workshop. Four short‐term Working Groups were established thereby allowing further focussed discussion and collaboration between STF members, and the adoption of a common view for further review as part of the workshop in September 2013.
The four Working Groups (WGs) were:
  • Objective 4 Working Group to review relevant international policies and legislation
  • Objective 6 Working Group to conduct a knowledge gap analysis
  • Objective 7 Working Group to examine the sustainable use of wild origin falcons
  • Objective 8 Working Group to plan and implement fieldwork
The actions undertaken by the Working Groups were designed to explore the complexity and detail of the issues involved in the conservation and management of the Saker Falcon across the full extent of its range, throughout each of the stages of its annual cycle, including breeding, migration and wintering periods.
This Compilation Report covers the implementation of the STF WorkPlan Objectives 4 – 8 up to July 2013, by incorporating the reports produced by each of the 4 Working Groups, as well as a Stakeholder Analysis (Objective 5). It also includes the final report of a project carried out by consultants to elaborate a modelling framework to integrate population dynamics and sustainable use of the Saker Falcon.

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Author(s)Williams N. P.
Galbraith C.
Kovács A.
Published DateAugust 2013
Publication LanguageEnglish
PublisherCoordinating Unit of the Raptors MOU, Saker Falcon Task Force
TypeTechnical Reports
CMS InstrumentOiseaux de Proie (Rapaces)